Sunday, October 26, 2008

~Week 28~

Dadio B here. I think I should have bought stocks in the Dutch Chocolate frozen yogurt company we (she) enjoys so much these past couple of months! I'm worried the baby might get frostbite she eats so much of it! No wonder Crystals belly always feels cold!
I've been waiting for a second communication from our baby! One night about two weeks ago as Crystal was SOUND asleep, I was stirring and hear a tiny voice say hello to me. Crystal was talking in her sleep which never happens. All the voice said was hello!
Crystal is pretty big now! I have to grease her up to get her through our narrow door! At this rate, she may have to have a doctor make a house-call on the big day!
I have to go for now! My second trip to the grocery store today for Dutch Chocolate frozen yogurt, and it's still early! dadio b.

Monday, October 20, 2008

27 Weeks 2 days

This is one of the cutest vintage jackets
I have even seen! Not maternity, but suites
the damsel with a growing belly.
Love it!

My bump measures 27cm.
The rule of thumb; around how many weeks you are
is the size of your bump.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 26 4 days

Baby boop was rolling around my belly today as I waited
to get blood work done at Mount Sinai.
She was hungry but instead she had a dose of Glucose drink.
This is to measure Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy.
Effects about 3-4% of all pregnancies. Hopefully my levels
are good, otherwise I probably will get type 2 diabetes later in life.

After all this waiting around, I felt tired, but still managed to shop
for some maternity jeans, which look fab; from
Thyme Maternity, and a few tops from H&M.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 26 1 day

Boy I sure look different beside daddio b now
don't I?