Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 24

My mommy woke up at 5AM to me rolling around and doing a
jab kick motion with my arms and legs at the same time!

She feels a bit queasy when I do this, but I know she actually
can't wait for me to do it again.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week 23

Mommy woke me up this morning!
She wanted to feel me jabbing her with my huge feet.
So I put on a little show for her and Daddy to see, mommy's belly
pushed up 3.6 cm as big as my feet are now.

We ate a cinnamon bun, and mommy rubbed me for 20 minutes.
I fell back to sleep....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Week 22

WOW! look how much I popped out. Incredible.
OK now I'm almost the size of a Water Melon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 21

I'm a GIRL; Surprise!

Am I ever big. Longer than usual, my feet are
apparently 3.6cm, and I have
a cute butt to boop!!

Typical I would be longer; my Daddy is
6 Ft 4 in, and mommy is not too
tall but she
is taller than average: 5 Ft 6 in.