Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2 days old (incubated)

This was the hardest most stressful time; drained of energy no sleep and swollen everywhere, I stood with my hands
in the little windows, rubbing her back to help her get to sleep. I finally called Daddy to come help calm her so I could pump.

She wasn't aloud to come out of the incubator
to breastfeed.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby boop arrives

1 minute old.

first taste of milk (1 hour old) photo of mommy and boop.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Week 36

I'm getting big, and running out of room in the womb!

Mommy seems to be eating less, more smaller
meals - Daddy doesn't understand why she
isn't cooking dinner like she used to?

I give her heartburn, gas, and I put pressure on
her nerves so she swells up, also starchy foods
make her swell up - her hands oh her hands, and ankles
were the same width as her feet.
I know cause Mommy was complaining to Daddy!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Week 31

Sugary stuff gets me going.

My hobbies lately have been
to play with shadows I can see from in here.
I reach out and press up with my hand, but there seems to be
some force or barrier preventing me from really touching
it. hmmmmm

Sunday, October 26, 2008

~Week 28~

Dadio B here. I think I should have bought stocks in the Dutch Chocolate frozen yogurt company we (she) enjoys so much these past couple of months! I'm worried the baby might get frostbite she eats so much of it! No wonder Crystals belly always feels cold!
I've been waiting for a second communication from our baby! One night about two weeks ago as Crystal was SOUND asleep, I was stirring and hear a tiny voice say hello to me. Crystal was talking in her sleep which never happens. All the voice said was hello!
Crystal is pretty big now! I have to grease her up to get her through our narrow door! At this rate, she may have to have a doctor make a house-call on the big day!
I have to go for now! My second trip to the grocery store today for Dutch Chocolate frozen yogurt, and it's still early! dadio b.